from river to sea

a virus of an idea



collegial politics

with all the advantages that go with it and disadvantages

such as the known slow helvetic politics


one day

the strong leaders will have to admit

either through science or terrible facts

that haven't been that strong

despite being fast

or maybe that was why


secret it stays,

the helvetic recipe for magical peace

or known it will be

divide your highest public office ;

opt such for a collegial executive ;

a "weak" government


why should it only be the Swiss

with such an egalitarian government

and not one or the other nation additionally

to not say the overwhelming majority on this globe ?


my recipe

i tend to stand for


for peace in a multilateral world teared apart

by the different poles

finding unity only in the perception

of there to be one planet and one life for sure


for peace in a multipolar world as we all want

somewhere, somehow, sometime

sooner than later

rather like this than otherwise


delusional because wouldn't it be conceived as "a virus of an idea"

to the establishments of Russia, USA and maybe not China,

and many other rich and poor, big and small countries,

who's people could think, for right or for left,

that a federal council to replace their strong presidents

could reduce corruption and the many other reasons to go to the streets


void of facts, reason or meaning

other than more than 15o years of helvetic peace ,

- despite a pletoritude of reasons against such -

not only do i tend to stand for it ,

i actually promote


as the best solution available

for the many various national political decision makings

able to "level out the playing field" between rich and poor nations

resource-rich and endangered nations by the environment ,

horrifically badly managed economies and armies

by the West or East corrupted governments


- for real -

to listen to the aspirations

of its different communities, lest individuals

anymore ( or never would )


for peace in a multilateral world teared apart

by the different poles

finding unity only in the perception

of there to be one planet and one life for sure


for peace in a multipolar world as we all want

somewhere, somehow, sometime

sooner than later

rather like this than otherwise





next page )


finished 13-march-2o22