the advantage of direct democracy
is that the majority of the population decides
the common sense of the people
of the majority of the people ,
thus allowing society to continue to work or function
as a nation united in its diversity
and not a lonely president
and his two-hundred loyal parliamentarians
you understand in front of such a sheer mass
of determined upright citizens
you stick to the decision , the outcome of the vote ,
and ask yourself rather why you lost ,
take hope in the functioning of the system
the majority decides
which is to say a game
a political game with real-life consequences .
consequences which many people ,
many rebels, also many intellectuals
advocate for in the meantime stronger and stronger ;
are willing to assume the reduction of freedom ,
are willing to take the risk to be ruled by the majority ,
feel themselves ready for the civilized fight
for the state of the nation , the health of the nation ,
the happiness of the nation
...all against eachother , each one for him- herself ,
one ballot , one vote , the majority decides :
and afterward it's calm in the country again
at least for a while
at least for a while
there is no better guidance
for the leaders, especially the political leaders ,
than a popular initiative or referendum
there is no better thermometer
on the state of the nation ;
it's spiritual, economic and social quests ,
dilemmas, questions : the chaos in short
there is no better guidance
for the leaders, especially the political leaders ,
than a popular initiative or referendum
there is no better thermometer
on the state of the nation ;
it's spiritual, economic and social quests ,
dilemmas, questions : the chaos in short
a chaos asking for clear rules same for everybody ,
rules that follow as close as possible a common sense ;
the common sense of the people
of the majority of the people ,
thus allowing society to continue to work or function
as a nation united in its diversity
since the majority of the population decides ;
since the million of people decides such
since the majority of the population decides ;
since the million of people decides such
and not a lonely president
and his two-hundred loyal parliamentarians
you understand in front of such a sheer mass
of determined upright citizens
you stick to the decision , the outcome of the vote ,
and ask yourself rather why you lost ,
take hope in the functioning of the system
and the forty-nine percent of the votes
you could cast in your favour nevertheless
and try again
and try again
until your idea is ripe ;
ripe for whole society , for everybody in the nation
and not just yourself, your community respectively alliance of tribes
the majority decides
which is to say a game
a political game with real-life consequences .
consequences which many people ,
many rebels, also many intellectuals
advocate for in the meantime stronger and stronger ;
are willing to assume the reduction of freedom ,
are willing to take the risk to be ruled by the majority ,
feel themselves ready for the civilized fight
for the state of the nation , the health of the nation ,
the happiness of the nation
...all against eachother , each one for him- herself ,
one ballot , one vote , the majority decides :
yes , they can be wrong
it's a political game we agreed to
to not hit eachother on our heads ;
a referendum or initiative
is only a political decision
which still can be smoothed out
not just by politics themselves but as well
in the social ( cultural ) , economic ( commercial )
or spiritual ( religious ) spheres of the nation
i mean
for as long as a nation is stronger than a wrong decision
taken by a strong president
for as long a nation can be assumed stronger than a wrong decision
taken by the majority of the population
as well
¡ nunca te rindas !