my politics
green, federal, liberal and social
should be the politics of my government !
green, first of all, because only when we live respecting nature, fearing and loving it, can we and our offspring survive until the sun explodes. This is the most penetrating limit that is imposed on us. It is assumed that humans have one life and humanity one planet for sure.
federal, for two reasons, one is because leaders make errors and can't think of everything. with a federal approach the political innovation in a country can be motivated and the risk of seeing the central government commit grossly negligent errors can be reduced. further there are regional differences, cultural differences, that can't or shouldn't be ignored and that need a tailored legislative approach rather.
liberal, because freedom is born to any human and only in freedom can they fulfill their original purpose, making through education and exercise most out of their lives. oppressed individuals and oppressing individuals miss the point of it and can't see what's possible on this planet, what we can achieve in a politically, economically, socially and spiritually liberal society, when we can all enjoy our intrinsic freedoms and don't have to fear to see them unprotected by corrupt state officials.
social, since you don't find luck in all cradles, life accidents happen and catastrophes surprise us regularly. that shouldn't be the beginning of a stressful life at the margins of society under existential fears. humanity is only as strong as its weakest members. we're guided by our conscious and in the presence of suffering people you can't enjoy the same freedoms as if all are cared for. the rich shouldn't need to seclude themselves in securized communities but should always search for the social cohesion, by giving back of course, that allows the poor to believe in a better future and such not be offended by the abundance of the wealthy but rather be inspired by it.