

i agree with myself
in the limits of what i can agree with myself


life is a war

or life can be seen as a war ,
don't we all want to survive
on a small planet we all call our hive

what rules do you allow yourself in the war ?
what's your golden rule for a legitimate scar ?


do you torture ? do you harass ?
do you allow yourself to kill others ?

or do you insult those who stole from you ?
and that's all and afterward you're cool ?


and how do you assure it stays with insults
should you find yourself on the losing end of conflicts ?


will you keep your word
and only shout at the one that shoots at you ?


semper fidelis


once the door of inhibition is broken ,
it can't be fixed ,
it can only be healed


healed by the absence of temptation
and of solicitation ;
healed by silence ,
wind water earth and fire hence


because only when you forget that you're a nobody ,
a grain of sand in the universe ,
can you understand that you're somebody ,
a rebel who heroically dies
or president who stupidly wastes our lives


( i still don't know why you would want to stay
as a distasteful dictator
other than to survive / not end up as prisoner )


that said,
let's keep him there and ignore
our lives go on as before

the wheel of life turns on as if nothing happened
which is exactly what the kings expected


semper fidelis


written in anxiety of a futile clash
and optimism it's all about cash

cause when you think about it
why would i make a speech

if not to defend myself with wit
from those taken by obsessive rage


or as i said, power corrupts
my silence was as if i acknowledge

there to be two kind of people :
rich and those who live in the litter

when we're all the same and want save freedom ,
the ability to decide , because we don't like
when we have to live in lethal boredom

we don't want to live on the edge of the next mafia
where you can't tell whether they're in favour of a world war


a call of duty by me , a random person
where you know ten years later

whether i was right or wrong
to speak up with my song

song that power corrupts
whether out of faith or out of luck

why i'm in favour of a directorial executive
or collegial council ,
name it as you want
but divide such the highest public office


be it in yemen , lebanon or syria
it doesn't matter , it can be libya

but rebels need a victory or will move on
to the next populist appearing on the horizon


semper fidelis


which is what i fear or feared but am ready
with my book about collective failure

which is also a lesson for the europeans, americans and chinese
and not just the rebels fighting their wars with ease


forgetting though what is relevant
that live only once and that's it

and if wouldn't have given up but stood together strong
could have brought about change like the other's wrong


but they didn't because couldn't decide who should lead
when for such a decision there is no need

and so the rebels seemed wrong in the end
to stand up against the totalitarian regimes
because weren't better after all
in their delusional dreams


i couldn't prevent such with my writings about collegial councils
but failed pathetically in the midst of an overwhelming cyber-security

maybe fearing i could be calling up the devil
but - i guess - you have to ask the neighbor

reading my book essay by essay
in no hurry and chaotic disarray

finding that inch of luck
which i am looking for
at the bottom of my coffee mug


life is a war

or life can be seen as a war ,
don't we all want to survive
on a small planet we all call our hive


semper fidelis



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