at the end of the 21st century
<< And so i think the optimal income curve has an empty beginning,
that is nobody with no income.
Then it should enlarge itself slowly to the peak, the middle-class,
which should hold the most people.
This is in contrary to today's income curve where most people are poor workers.
In fine the curve should fall back to the zero-line with only a few rich people. >>
<< I'm against a communist curve because it doesn't promote property and innovation,
leading to income loss over time. >>
<< And i'm against the capitalist curve because it doesn't prevent lethal poverty. >>
<< To achieve the goal of an optimal income curve,
the lower half or third of the population shouldn't pay any taxes on income
while the upper half, the richer half, or two-thirds, should pay taxes
on the part that they earn beyond the average. >>
<< If you live close above the limit,
you should pay approximately one percent taxes
and if you are one of the richest people in the country,
you should pay roughly fifty percent taxes. >>
<< While you shouldn't pay any taxes on your gains at financial markets,
you should pay taxes as well on your wealth, your fortune.
Here as well the national average is calculated
and you give back a percentage of your wealth. >>
<< The money collected is used to pay for ensuring a functioning state
guaranteeing the rule of law,
and the funds are as well used for guaranteeing a minimum salary
which i would guess these days in switzerland needed to be 3'000.- chf. >>
<< The taxes are also used for infrastructure projects, health care, education, defence
subsidies to the economy and anything else i forget
which a modern state is paying for these days for a functioning society
If the country is rich there should as well be some money for philanthropy abroad
as loyalty to the other members of the international community of nations. >>
<< I don't see why the poor should pay income tax on the little that earn
when it doesn't hurt a billionaire to give away a million more. >>
<< Which she or he can also without taxation,
philanthropy having been invented a long time ago. >>
<< In the end, all in all, we agree though, that in the end,
there should be no billionaires no more
as well nobody with no income. >>
<< Justice. >>
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optimal income curve x = number of people y = salary or wealth, whereby the optimal wealth curve can start on the zeroline, that is people with no wealth, yes that can exist. |