helvetic magics
a directorial executive has its advantages,
but what seems to be key in that is direct democracy through initiatives and referenda.
the question is whether direct democracy works as well under presidential rule
and what the effect on the national power trading would be.
otherwise it seems intelligent
to use a collegial council where there could be independence movements
( Ticino in Switzerland )
or the oppression of a minority by a majority
( Swiss Germans against Swiss French )
or the inability to name a leader between two equal communities
( protestant versus catholic ).
both together, a collegial council and direct democracy make up for the worst of the other.
direct democracy unites the people of a nation behind a law voted in democratic manner.
a law that can be an unfair decision in front of a minority.
the directorial executive can smooth out such decisions
through its intrinsic division and compromise searching attitude.
the government comes often up with compromises on its own
trying to improve the functioning of government.
but just because it's a compromise doesn't necessarily mean it's a good one.
and so it's wise to have the people speak the last word.
a federal council and direct democracy : the strength of helvetic democracy.
remove one and lose your guarantee for political stability
and steady national growth of economic, social and cultural freedomsin front of geopolitical challenges.
not sure you learn that in university, so it's true.