democratic and republican

vector for peace

What some presidents don't see is that they haven't just been put in charge of a business with a few thousand employees and a yearly profit or loss. I think presidents are put in charge of a whole country, of the whole population, of all businesses, not just the state. Reason why they can't just lead the country like strongmen or strongwomen ejecting the inefficient elements but rather have to guide through their wisdom the masses. Because only for as long as the people play the game, the same as the leaders, is the country united and can move forward through organic growth possible thanks to that unity. Otherwise it becomes or stays a two-class society unable to develop a strong middle class because nor the poor nor the rich respect law and order necessary for that middle class to crystallize itself, a precondition for just social mobility and with it guaranteed innovation sustaining growth.

Therefore I come back to my initial idea of the option of the United States of America opting for a collegial presidency comprised of seven equal federal councilors elected by delegates elected in the different states in proportional manner. It stays and will stay a good thought worthy developing even more in my mind, because I'm persuaded it could be the only way for the Americans to quit their dysfunctional bipartisan politics to a democratic and republican multiparty system again, unmanipulable by outside forces and able to counter the russian-chinese autocratic block. It seems to me sometimes that if the United States want to stay the number one global force in a multipolar world - if they want to keep that edge of political, economic, social and spiritual advance in comparison to their competitors - then they might have to opt for a multipolar government as well, a collegial council comprised of seven equal councilors representing the diversity of American society, reflecting the diversity of humanity on this globe.



