freedom - class struggle - drugs - creativity

rich vs poor

Freedom is the ability to decide , i stated that earlier in the essay freedom vs stability .

And if this is true , then the more freedom you have , the more you can decide , which can be a good thing .

Therefore , the more money you have , the freer you feel . If you have a house and why not a boat , a car , clothes , a watch , a smartphone with illimited internet access , all add to your freedom .

You can also own non-materialistic freedoms such as speaking several languages or being good at handmade craft . Your family , circle of friends and neighbours add as well to your freedom of course .

Too much freedom wants to be handled though .

It's easy to lose part or all your freedom by an error of yours .
The poor or talentless are eager to chop off a slice of the wealth of the rich or the creative .

It creates a conflict between rich and poor .
The class struggle .

It's a fight whereby the rich allocate assets for the conservation of the wealth they own , leading to failure amongst the poor in grabbing freedom from them .

Of course those losers resort to drugs to get over it and to be able to live with the boredom that comes with being poor. Drugs lead to creativity , or can . Solutions are found . New freedoms won .

But addict to drugs , failure doesn't wait too far away for the ones that want to climb the ladder .
Not always . Guess where hope lies...


