a joke by the universe

happy depressive

And so because the emergence of life
is thanks to a series of hazards ,
it is the more miraculous.

And that miracle asks from each individual
to cherish life
and to hold it precious .

Even if you wouldn't believe in the magic of a God ,
you can feel obliged to consider life as holy and worthy protecting .

Just because you think you live only once doesn't mean you become the one
that throws life away in one big party , refusing to think about the day after .

No , you can also be responsible
and act taking into consideration future generations
and respecting previous ones .


Therefore , i think the church is wrong in thinking that without God
there is a hole and that you fall victim to depression and other psychoses
or that you would want to harm others in the irresponsibility
that comes from there being no boundaries without afterlife .

When you're a complete atheist or at least "one planet, one life" -adherer ,
who has truly thought about the emergence of life and the occasion of death ,
then you also respect nature and the workings of this universe , admire its wonders
and you wouldn't develop an egomaniac megalomania that is only the recipe for conflict and war :

You become patient
and enjoy the road walking to your goal :

your death .


In that sense ,
i adhere more to the philosophy that life is what it is :

a joke by the universe .


Semper Fidelis
