food for thought
In each war there is also losers. Who might have known that it is a lost cause. But preferred to fight and die than give in and see themselves deposed and enslaved, tortured and killed. Unacceptable as a proud human being having planned to enjoy life, is it to see your freedoms stolen, your ability to decide on what you work, where you live, how you live, with whom and whether you can enjoy some freetime.
The prospect of losing your integrity and having to live at the margins of receiving enough to just survive till fifty and then die pathetically having sweated relentlessly for a decadent establishment who can only perenate its survival thanks to the "voluntary" work provided, is reason to choose intelligent suicide in war rather and hope for the miracle before killed. The miracle would be the implosion of the elite brought about by the collapsing net of lies respectively the superiority complex, that might not be able anymore to uphold the illusion of a - in the totalitarian end - just nature, just society, just community, just individuals ; just system in short worthy the name.
The mafia's elitarian cynicism becomes unbearable until somebody too much dies at the hands of these autocrats, at which point the totalitarian self-fulfilling prophecy unleashes itself and the revolution is contained, leads to cosmetic change keeping the decadent establishment in power, or unfolds truly in all violence that can lead to either the massacring of the people by the army or the massacring of the elite by the people. Eitherway, nothing beautiful and forgivable.
Therefore I say, an autocratic leader finding him- or herself in the position of being unable to leave power without demesurate consequences, a president who finds him- or herself having been pushed down the totalitarian road and is too weak to push back against the current that might have wished about him- or herself stupidly, such a head-of-state should opt to divide his government into a directorial executive, name six other ministers, and dilute such the head-of-state's appeal to corrupting and decadent forces finding it then more difficult to pressure or push the divided but united decision maker(s).
A collegial council allows to rule differently. It allows the leading party in the executive to divide the growing opposition, who is about to win a majority, into two : a system compliant opposition willing to participate conditionally in the new promising collegial form of government, receiving one or some of the seven federal chairs, and an opposition keeping its delusional stance unwilling to cooperate, opting for a promised peaceful revolution rather, hoping to be able to rally the people despite the danger of lethal violence in the chaos. Through such division of the opposition and inclusion of part of it in a directorial executive, it can be prevented that the revolutionary forces find the majority to overthrow government and exercise in the power-thirst violent revenge all while it can be assured that with the moderate part of the opposition present in government, things change for sure for the better again for everybody, slowly and steadily.
....maybe to be continued, maybe i'm repeating myself ( federal counsel , march 2o13 )