rule in chaos

bipolar vs multipolar

why use fear, when you can explain with holistic theories that there is no such thing as a free lunch and therefore stealing freedoms from others will always lead to them taking them back somewhere from where they can, leading to freedoms there to be missing, etc until the circle closes itself one day and the thief is being taken from as well, and sometimes such learns.

good when learns before and indulges in a relationship respecting the golden rule of not doing to others what doesn't want them to do to him or her. of course that implies being honest and not lying to oneself : or when you don't mind to die a martyr death - or so you say to yourself - of course you don't mind if i die a martyr death. it's just i do, and so maybe you mind ending up as collateral damage of a crime, when there is no need for a crime in the first place.

i tend to love others like i love myself. and to be honest i haven't always been loving myself ... in maybe as undecent manner as undecently deserved by life. that said one's conscious guides you and it takes an idiot to not listen to his or her conscious and run into total disaster. some do, a lot to be honest. it's that life isn't easy or complicated, it's simple and complex : simply put, one lives only once. even a totalitarian government can't deny one to think. accepting that fact isn't easy but one can deduct a lot of other rules in this life. then it gets more complex, such as where do we come from? where will we go to? it's not that complicated, but it's chemical or living matter we talk about, it all has an open ending and the present isn't better because many decisions haven't been taken yet, and so it's unclear what's the real state of affairs because it can change at any moment.


this chaos demands in my mind not a totalitarian and top-down approach assuming the person on top is the most intelligent or worthy. It demands a federal approach at least and a directorial one at best, with the goal of splitting complex and big problems into smaller simply complicated ones. one leader is unable to do such in a centrally governed totalitarian state, it takes crowd-thinking, something the chinese government is surely using. i pretend though because nevertheless not fetching the wisdom of the masses with its centralist top-down style, it won't stop the leadership from committing grossly negligent errors leading to the eruption of conflicts internally and externally for which the chinese leadership is responsible but will try to deny it.

indeed, i think while the chinese leadership pretends to respect a multilateral world, they don't respect respectful foreign or even internal critic, crucial part of a peaceful multipolar world where others are supposed to be able to be in possession of credibility from chinese perspective to be allowed to be honest when they seem to offend human rights. that political immaturity makes the chinese leadership more likely to stay in a borderlinish bipolar state-of-mind between a superiority complex of being the world's biggest consumer good producer and a minority complex of not being accepted with their intolerant "communist" one-party politics - which is not to deny Chinese genius, able to handle responsibly such a position, situation or state of mind or the nation.

but the federal united states of america will make life hard for the chinese wanting to increase their international might and will delimit them wherever they can, fearful of losing their status as number one power, creating such a constant state of noise in this world. if you take sides you submit yourself to this game and you support more or less critically the hostile actions of your favorite country all while watching the acts of the opponents as egoist, arrogant, delusional and only rarely justified. you can though escape this game by opting for a multipolar approach, a way of thinking more forceful than the bipolar state of mind, forced upon us by the reality of an american superpower and a chinese upcomer.

when you start thinking in multipolar terms, that is allowing for more than two poles in possession of ultimate decision making power, such as also russia, europe or india amongst others, you can find solutions to dilemmas that seem impossible to solve in a bipolar world order. you can construct complicated trades and build such new compromises that can either protect you or influence affairs in your favor and not the ones of the americans or chinese. it takes of course the ability to think first in the bipolar world order between the two superpowers and be able to live out the dichotomies that are created and portrayed. only by allowing both to see, it's evident the ridiculousness that stems from a superpower splitting the world in two, when we're just one humanity. why not split the world into seven, if already?

from that joke that bears some truth comes the force to see beyond the differences and find common ground to trade out new realities, something i predict the germans or canadians could excel and other countries that want to rather opt for a neutral and multipolar approach and world order; for green, federal, liberal and social politics, always conscious of the simplicity and complexity of life.


