absolutist humiliation

shame , humiliation , disgrace

Doubt should be the highest guideline of humans.

And with doubt comes the inability to kill somebody.

I'm hence strongly opposed to the death penalty.

It's not worthy a human society that is guided by the philosophers, who have taught us that we know nothing, that the universe is so much bigger. And it's not just the universe, you don't know anything about society, your communities, yourself.


In principle.
It's not like forgetfulness is a virtue.


And so there should always be doubt about the guilt of another person. Even if it's obvious that he or she is a murderer, a pedophile, a corrupt politician, there should always be doubt about the true evilness in a person.


Doubt that allows to see, that the criminal has been influenced by an unjust society and a cruel nature. Able or unable to control him- or herself, the criminal acted in the name of everybody or for the good of him- or herself.


Only in such doubt can grow hope that the said criminal can change, change to become a better person and not kill again. And in such doubt can come the instinct to not trust a criminal but to store him or her away in prison for them there to become better people again, for sure.


As well the criminal as well society have to learn. By killing the guilty, nobody learns. Things go on as before. Society doesn't improve and continues to produce criminals.

Comes the question whether abortion is murder.

It's a question of what you value more,

the will of a woman who is pregnant against her will,

or the will of an unborn who could become federal councilor.


Love of a mother is the most important for a child. A life without the love of a mother is possible but it's an unstable life to begin with and difficult thereafter.


Hate of a mother is toxic, and it can only lead for the child to become a possessed person with strong personality issues and delusions. The exception confirms the rule.


In such cases it takes a strong community to help out, and i'm thinking in the form of giving the child for adoption. A solution that allows doubt to win over hate and love and give birth to hope. Hope for a good life, as well for the son or daughter, as well the mother.


And so before opting for an abortion, it should always be thought of parents who can't have children and would wish some and are happy to adopt a baby. Only when it's impossible to carry through a pregnancy should you opt for abortion.


Don't get pregnant.

Don't make her pregnant !

Which brings up the question of rape.

 ( because you should be allowed to abort a pregnancy after rape. )

What kind of man does that to a woman ?

Where do these men come from ?

In what God do they believe ?


Rape leads to rape.

Sure it's a schizophrenic act. A loss of control, of manners, of civilization.

We don't want the victim to stay prisoner of her raper for her life, mentally and physically, having to fight back without never getting justice : the raper having succeeded producing illegitimate offspring, keeping the last laugh. As a society, community or family, we owe the victim to get true justice, allowing her to kill the wish of the raper in her stomach, winning her freedom back, true freedom, keeping the balance of power in this universe in a steady state.


And so i say the popacy has work, educating those men so they don't lose out and do something stupid, because the catholic church a problem has. For instance why can't women be priests? I get the celibacy, the point of a husband or wife being in the way to love nature in a manner that allows to see things as they are from the perspective of a priest, outsider of the community ( a cleric can go see a sexworker, right? ). But i don't get the point where it's impossible for women to become clerics. That seems to me rather as if the roman catholic church is hiding something, something gruesome : about the centuries old origins of male dominance bearing reasons which by now have amply been counterprooved, such as God loving men more than women. How the church stays in the hands of the sexist, racist and pedophile mafia.


 The church's naive, bipolar or even schizophrenic denial of rape, pedophily or incest accompanied with their old absolutist and sexist homophobic brainwash, who's prejudice so far has never been able to prevent murder or crime, war or revolution, has as well rarely brought development or progress other than for building churches, only through exceptional individual and communal initiatives, which often though are or were rather the successful intelligent expression of resistance or revenge to the church's conservatism; were or are rather the result of cunning deals with the devil, seizing of inconsiderate risks, than actually inspired by God's holy words as the priests interpret them.

The introduction of female clerics
would cause us as society
to ask one or the other additional relevant question
which as individual we should be forced to once in our lives to have to ask ourselves
and not be able to have it ignorantly or arrogantly delegated to an all-knowing pope.


Women as priests aren't the solution for everything,
but it would a hell help to balance relations in our societies and communities,
relieve pressure in various ways on the fight between equality of genders
and such allow to concentrate together (!)
on the other fights such as climate change or income inequality,
reducing all in all the million individual vicious circles opened up from the past,
in contrary helping maintaining the virtuous ones,
allowing us to continue build on our prosperity
in - crucially - sustainable manner.


It can't possibly be
a sustainable way or peaceful way of organizing society
by telling girls as well as boys
that there is the devil in girls,
why they can't be clerics,
unlike the boys...

...how they
- to not say we -
unaccountably end up feeling


My opinion




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