mandatory military service
then i can only recommend mandatory military or civil service
it's what makes a complete young citizen out of you
having served the nation.
a lesson for life
a necessary one to live in peace in a united country.
you deserve such to hold, use and keep a weapon
to take responsibility in the ability to take lives
through discipline that eliminates the barbar.
you can also choose to save lives or help the destitute
learning the responsibility that comes with helping.
both teach you discipline and the benefits of team work
both teach you as well the disadvantages of bureaucracy
both allow you to be better prepared for your life in your twenties and beyond.
i think mandatory military and civil service could reduce
the number of gun-deaths in America
training the young people at the gun
and infusing them
with the necessary dose of discipline, respect and common sense
that is needed when handling guns.
militia service could give some peaceful meaning to gun-ownership.
the United States as a rebel nation are based on the believe that the strength of the nation
comes from the force of its citizens, strong and talented freedom fighters
whom together no other nation can beat
who will always be free.
i thought
the Swiss Army is a crucial pillar of Helvetic unity
and i can only explain myself the low rate of gun violence in our country
despite the abundance of rifles
because we have mandatory military service.
it is, so to speak,
as if a gun in Switzerland a common cause has,
and not an individual one as maybe in America,
and if it has an individual cause it has so only
with - hence - legitimate suspicion.
semper fidelis