curiosity always wins

get lost or die trying


( the power of words )




philosophical science

highly intelligent philosophical science

tells us that on this planet

- probably this universe -

that there is no such thing

as a free lunch.


what if then you turn out lucky against all common sense ?

what if somebody else makes an error

that leads you to receive more than what you paid for ?


are we only in sports or arts so egoist

to always profit of the other's error and score a goal ?

are we in public professional life

always so honest with others ( the universe and ourselves )

to never profit of others' weaknesses ?



( the power of words )



black and white

and white and black

from nothing comes nothing

what are you trying



from everything comes not everything neither

don't tell me hypocrisy



that said ,

i'd say ,

in inversed or black metaphysics

the idea of nothing coming out of nothing


in principle nothing good comes out of a bad idea



( the power of words )



tastes aren't discussed

so apply love in lonely or detached desperation

when you need to know

there to be another solution


wild hope , undetermined but certain and positive hope ,

good intentions, that is intentions inline with reality as far as you know ,

that is your actual merit which you never know for sure

not knowing the realities of the others behind, in front or next of you,

but try to fulfill your legitimate wishes and needs anyway ,

full of courage and positive will ,

modesty , patience and intelligence ,

in order to come to relaxation again every day

through your daily ritual of praying and finding your intentions

good intentions and merit and wishes ;

relaxation and presence in life

in all rituals not just praying , but as well as eating , smoking

commuting , working , doing sports and being funny ,

to be able to perceive over time

or never lose it

that silver lining ;

there to be another half in this world



through the mirror of your actions guided

by this your well-meant positive ( trained ) subconscious

trying to achieve legitimate goals based on your actual merit ,

there is a half in this world you can't perceive

not even or maybe only in your fullest dreams or meditation :

a hope of the world respectively somebody

to be already engaged in working or acting with you

fulfilling those dreams of yours

through the continued harmonic accollation

of the two or many independent realities

into that new reality 

both or all yearn for ;

that something from nothing

for there a new truth to appear

as if by magic



( the power of words )



you have to do your share

or fall into decomposition alive

or as the jew as only one says

working makes you free to choose what life


because if breathing is a circle

then many times we'll be fighting eachother

for more of everything

and less of nothing

to rather be somebody

and not a nobody under a everybody ,

a slave under lethal extortion



one shot , one opportunity



which doesn't mean the universe

doesn't give you a second shot


but you know what it's worth :

doesn't it mean , your first shot wasn't yours

but you couldn't resist

demeaning your life before you even started it for real



( the power of words )



one planet , one life

stands as self-defeating logic from human to human

beyond any logic as compelling metaphysics might be

because for a believe to work we all have to respect it

and not pretend it's God's will to kill

just to fail worse fall in the war

we call life or love

after that


or why nobody ever will be able to tear an atomic bomb

void of universal legitimacy

at least that's the basics of mathematical chemistry

applied to our biology

and current geopolitics


and why a priest will never have a wife nor husband neither

void of a fallacy in his or her thinking


my opinion , we don't agree

at least between catholic and protestant .

first we need a female cleric

to find the truth inbetween

and agree with what she says

respectively they


instead of calling them witches

demean them before they even think differently

or as i wrote earlier

what a holy ignominy

leading for vicious and mislead people

to be able to profit of free lunches for a while still

because somebody couldn't resist

allocate it such by his or her will


barely* we'll see therefore as many predict

the pope of the West or America

fight the pope of the East or China

rather it'll be Rome's might

versus theirs in unity


always with the rebels

as i tend to cautiously conclude

in a global war on terror


or optimistically said , love to find was my destiny

but a witch respectively corrupt cleric

had to give it a different meaning


not the end of the world

as i tend to say

reborn i will be

inspired by my writing

which is what you fear or hope

black or white

one thing sure

i haven't stopped communicating ,

to twitter ,

give and refuse love or attention ,

to live or breath in general



( the power of words )




philosophical science

highly intelligent philosophical science

tells us that on this planet

- probably this universe -

that there is no such thing

as a free lunch.


what if then you turn out lucky against all common sense ?

what if somebody else makes an error

that leads you to receive more than what you paid for ?


are we only in sports or arts so egoist

to always profit of the other's error and score a goal ?

are we in public professional life

always so honest with others ( the universe and ourselves )

to never profit of others' weaknesses ?



( the power of words )



*as i said , barely ,

that is the the other end i see as well

is a new religion as well in Afrika as well for the Latina

formerly loyal to Rome , Abrahamic as usual ,

but led by the priestess and not a short-minded delusion



( the power of words )








29-october-2o2o to o7-september-2o22 incl plus plus