From some perspective, religion is a compromise between the individual and the religious community, or its dogma, its believes. The prophets and other religious leaders enumerated and enumerate the laws and morals to follow, the ideals to aspire to ; the ways to think. Should you not cooperate, then there is consequences : religious communities are organized by means of loyalty and mutual dedication and therefore a member of a community can be refused help, information or trade, forcing him or her to reconsider their stance and to align themselves again with the morals of their religion, or to leave. Egoists aren't welcomed, in principle.
My father used to say, "a man without faith is a lost man!" The advantage of entering a religious compromise is the wellbeing of the mind and soul - or so it's promised. Education is given as well and the church gives guidance and fulfills certain needs of the human mind through - for example - prayer or church mass.
Communities like family, friends or colleagues at work exercise pressure and temptations. You have to fight to not end up frustrated. Even in a community you have to defend your assets and negotiate for more. Religions give guidance in the form of advocating honesty, equality, loyalty and other forms of ensuring a durable relation.
Communities aren't the only ones influencing the individual. There is as well society that exercises pressure and temptations. From the worst absolutist nations trying to convert us by force, to independent organisations such as the Peace Noble trying the contrary with love, passing by federations such as the Olympic Committee purveying ideals and common agendas onto the individuals to champion common causes, even people. Religions associate in these social vectors or streams or global rivers, and position themselves according to their true and honestly livable values : or what was their dogma since always.
All in all the religious guidance is intended to allow the individual to live a peaceful, stable, burdenless and good life. You are prohibited certain things in return there is benefits like a long and prosperous life. You are allowed other things, usually in moderation ( except kids, religions love kids ... ).
Some religions offer good compromises that i could accept, others offer compromises that are more like the submission to slavery which you would only accept because otherwise they kill you.
The question is do you need a religion in the 21st century or are the human mind's and soul's needs satisfied in other form in the modern society? - I'd say through their wisdom accumulated throughout the centuries, religions will continue to strive, but competition from atheists will force them to offer new compromises - more in acceptance of modern science, especially when it comes to the origins of life. Atheists around the world are organizing themselves in communities able to satisfy the tribal needs of those individuals such as the church did throughout centuries.
A religion that offers the compromise that life is a gift given by the universe on this beautiful planet can only win the hearts and minds of the people. Religions must allow for freedom. They can't retain freedom in the name of stability, that's the role of the state. Religions must fight for the intrinsic freedom each individual should be able to enjoy. Religions must fight for the individual against the state and the economy. They should empower their members in being responsible and free citizens able to handle their affairs and to participate in communal and societal life.
A modern religion should infuse their members' morals such as they construct a peaceful society trading its way to prosperity with other nations. Patience should be promoted and modesty as well. Two pillars of an equal society.
But where was I ?