... [{( though it might aim .!
Sur le plat de mon oeil :
Neptune Talk
As I learned in my Mother's tongue :
who complains , lives long .
And who makes drama ,
as well dies young ...
... as i might want to add
so without wit nor cash as of mine ...
Make yourself a coffee , why not a tea ,
and enjoy these writings for free .
Free for now and shall be for as long as I live ,
and am able alone , or with you , to stand up for it .
Mainly my realist cynicism about current geopolitics ,
infused with wishful satire of how to make the most out of it .
As usual , the devil lies in the detail ,
this book has been worked for over a decade .
No drama , as you could say indeed ,
only words , thoughts and opinion here .
My personal ideas why to make this globe a better place to live ,
inspired by my own life as otherwise average Swiss .
Written for the soldiers amongst the herb-smokers
or the herb-smokers amongst the soldiers
still able to trip of a world somehow at peace .
Created as well for the atheists' amongst you
willing to challenge their political vision
and infuse them with a fresh and due breeze
Approved for the believers solid in their thought ,
curious about a maybe godless but not faithless
distinct opinion of our current leaders' mess .
Because when violence leads to more violence ,
then communication is everything :
may I be understood for not having said less
From the fight for gender equality amongst clerics
to the introduction of the legalization of cannabis ;
there is enough reasons for resistance and hence writings .
Inline with the vision of 'one planet , one life',
I thought there to be something else I could give a strive .
A fight nobody would think of , at least not for a while ,
surely not in this scope nor with this argumentation line .
... but maybe with this set of questions .
Where does the magic of the Helvetic power-trading come from ?
How is it that a democratic political arena turns into a hopeless King's court ?
And ... was that just somehow twice the same question ?
Questions where nobody really knows the answers for
respectively we'll never agree .
Too few times has it been tried on this globe ,
collegial leadership
with its seven equal councilors
or direct democracy
with its popular referenda and initiatives ,
the two Swiss political specialties .
Directorial executives , the more scientific term for collegial councils ,
have failed in most of the places in the past ,
to not say everywhere except in Switzerland
and in some form in Bosnia-Herzegovina
and probably the United Arab Emirates ,
which is accidentally making the point of those who want to keep the illusion
of the Helvètes somehow a special people being ,
or why this form of government works in our realm .
Myself a Swiss ,
who doesn't trust a credential of somebody special being ,
I wondered why these other collegial councils failed ,
be it in the USA, France, Uruguay and others .
Because I don't believe the division of presidential powers
to be a possible reason for a fragmentation of society
leading necessarily to civil war or tyranny ,
respectively that a presidential council
would be unable to unite a country .
A wrong or right hunch ,
that the directorial executive style as the Swiss know it ,
could indeed resolve one or the other obstacle
in the rebels quests for an Arab Summer
and other revolutionary or evolutionary movements in this world
fighting corruption , destruction of the environment and organized crime .
More of these multipolar nations like Switzerland ,
not less ,
could allow us to exactly be able to live peacefully
as one humanity in a multilateral world
rather than fall victim to a fatalist ignition of chains of loyalties again .
Thoughts , opinion , ideas : a collection of essays
for a rare ride through the meanders of our common conscious .
Some to not say my best essays , have been pre-thought .
They fall as they fall , as it's said .
Some other essays , worked in false explanative urgency on the spot ,
are as bad as that .
Written from my own experience and perspective
as former helvetic grenadier , but as well rusty violinist , failed student ,
talented banker , tourist by nature .
Dear Surfer , Dear Surferesse ,
happy inhabitant of our small planet Earth :
Make yourself a coffee , why not a chaï latte
and enjoy my writings at gusto .
Which is to say , take it on your light mind ,
and come back regularly sending a sign .
Songs it is or could be ,
but not known to rime , am I , me .
My humble thanks for your attention ,
you are and will always be welcomed .
Peace ✌️☮️🤙
Semper Fidelis
( 2o12 - 2o22 )
-A- The Last Kings
-1- A Forgotten Idea the point
-2- Power Vacuum democratization
-3- Agonized Kings and terrifying rebels
-4- Freedom vs Stability perceive , think , react
-5- Helvetic Monopoly quantitative aggravation
-6- American Federal Council depressing uncle sam
-7- British Royal Council contra sunt servanda
-8- Self-Determination ... walls to climb
-9- Tyranny of the Majority helvetia
-1o- Turf Battles once upon a time
-14- Out of the Blue a new world order
-15- Self-Explanatory geography of power
-16- Meritocracy ... walls to climb
-17- White Flag psychotic
- Intermezzo Uno -
-18- Yemeni Federal Council version 1
-19- Lebanese Collegial Council version 2
-2o- Afghan Federal Council version 3
-22- Direct Democracy ? it's an unknown
-23- The Presidential Seven a winning team
-28- Israeli Unity Government of Mutual Consent you never know
-31- Rule in Chaos bipolar vs multipolar
-32- Sliding into Peace khalas !
-33- Crocodile Talk a delirium
-34- Realpolitik of the 21st Century a vision
-35- Shameless Rebels no wall to climb
-D- Free Electron
-36- One Planet, One Life baseline
-37- Peace Until the End of Earth seems possible
-38- Freedom - Class Struggle - Drugs - Creativity rich vs poor
-39- Science Fiction escape this solar system
-4o- A Joke by the Universe happy depressive
-41- Void of Time don't test Allãh
-42- A Gift by this Universe choose well your religion
-43- Absolutist Humiliation shame , humiliation , disgrace
-44- Suicide not for honor, not for glory
-47- Trickle-Out Economics 3.o at the end of the 21st century
-48- False Positive ( Legalize it ) from bitter beginnings and sweet ends
-49- Green, Federal, Liberal, Social my politics
-52- Nations of Will pondering : no way back
-53- Confederation mandatory military service
-54- Strong Generals fight corruption
-55- Nations of Will - v.2 pondering : will for diversity
-56- Technocrats peace in middle-earth
-57- State of War peace from within
-58- War the Dictators niet
-59- Rotten Status Quo no hope
-6o- Philosophy - v.1 promoting patiently
-61- Philosophy - v.2 disassociation ... detachment ... deferrement ...
-62- Tyranny of Peace stomp worse beginnings
-63- Game of Perception helvetic magics
-64- Democratic and Republican vector for peace
-65- Monopolar vs Multipolar conclusion
-F- Java Wars
-66- My Game of Perception borders are borders
-67- The Perfect Universe forward backward
-68- Wind on the Sea - part1 bull's eye
-69- Wind on the Sea - part2 the invisible hand
-70- Wind on the Sea - part3 compass of the hearts
-71- Multipolar Neoliberalism peace between civilizations
-72- Demo-Crazy nothing stable here in Switzerland
-73- Bold Swiss everything stable in Switzerland
-74- Cybersurveillance Paradox title is everything
-75- From River to Sea a virus of an idea
Read more ( re-directed )
( Wikipedia , français )
( The Economist , June 2o19 )
( Le Temps , July 2o2o , paying )
First part of this collection of essays e-published
end of January to end of March 2o12 .
A lot of essays added and wording improved since .
Writings can be consumed stoned or slightly stoned as well .
Or how pretentious from me
to think I could be intelligent
despite rolling a marvelous joint .
Finished on another Moneday 1oth February at 11h54-gva-hour ,
in the year Twenty-Twenty-Five already .
Today , hence ... ( when was already tomorrow )
Approved again as a valid publication by my humble self
on the balcony of sunshine ,
high on some natural artificial multivitamines ,
lots of natural peruvian mashed bio coffee ,
and the worst of the best of the hashish's they produce
in and around of the so-named Geneva ,
not far from the Tobacco producing Jurassic cowboys ,
supposedly .
Made in Switzerland . Produced in the USA .
For contact or queries ,
please find a mail on
my blogger profile ( iregularly but regularly emptied ...
Lost in Translation ( little biography )
Naive Trust ( synopsis )
Photographs are from my private library ,
most from Switzerland , one or the other neighboring exception .
Painted maps mostly from Spring 2o13 . Source : Google Maps .
Publication somewhat sponsored by 'Alphabet Inc'
in the form of mostly well-programmed codes
running on free servers , I guess ,
sharing is caring . ¡ Gracias !
Thanks as well to ...
... LeTemps and TheEconomist .
... the Daily Show with Jon Stewart .
... Leo.org and Wikipedia.org .
... all the others , I might have never heard of , but who surely
carry their fair share in the publication of this collection of essays .
And don't mind to follow the link old school on the left below
to share the collection as a classic publication .
We aim for a multicultural and multilateral or multipolar world
exactly because we know that power corrupts .
Tram13 .
... )
Synonyme politiquement correcte pour un Suisse Allemand ?
Quelqu'un ?
Galant isn't Generous