naive trust : synopsis

october 2o2o

the feature of democracy is that fifty-one percent decide

about the laws which 1oo% have to follow


the feature of unipolar democratic rule

is that a citizen needs only 51% of the votes to become president


over time - years and terms and decades -

the public administration will represent mainly the interests of those 51%

following that one leader


while on the other hand

the presence of a collegial executive ( like we know it only from Switzerland )

rather a multipolar parliament causes

through the incentive of a lower barrier-entry to government

giving the citizens true choice in electing their delegates

ensuring each parliament , executive and judiciairy

keep reflecting the people's will ,

that is , diversity


in the absence of collegial leadership

the country can over time always fall victim to homogenous totalitarianism

which is not to say a directorial executive can't end up in authoritanianism ,

but a (my) hypothesis states that for as long

as the equality of the members of the council is kept ,

for as long as the members of the council stay loyal to the concept

of one person , one vote ,

of course with an honorable 'primus inter pares' , - but as it says , inter pares -

the collective reason would prevail , the people's will would prevail


the government's ability to be able to deliver justice ,

to guarantee the monopoly of force ,

to keep unity - together with the population - in society prevails

with at least always one of the seven councilors

to whom a citizen has to give the benefit of the doubt

and it stays even in the mind of the uttermost rebel of this rebelnation

an exception to lean up , surely not in violence ,

against the authority in not pre-agreed manner

and will never lead to a presidentalship lest royaldoom again


because while staying

or saying stubbornly 'no' to a delusional authority might be legitimate ,

a revolution to abolish collegialship or directoriality

- de theoria - never is


and with it there is general to not say overwhelming trust

in government , the Helvetic system , the people's will

and with it peace in the streets


in contrary to collegial leadership ,

when a unipolar presidential nation gets under pressure :

catastrophes , victim of own success ,

enemies to better not have cared for

... the fear pressure of life creates

to say the many live-hoods to be considered

to not say cared for

respectively the pressure a fear or the anxieties of a fatalistic chain of failures

might create ...


could , can , shall , shall not

yet in the presence of the overhanging trust the president enjoys ,

it will always lead the president to listen to the own community more in the distress

favoring loyalty more than merit ,

favoring - what is feared - selfish arrogance in getting re-elected

more than common ignorance in front of such unworthy superficial vanity 

for attention to be given for the wars to come

or still being fought out by the suffering ,

still suffering ,

people -

in ruling the nation




first of all it's not necessarily in the interest of the majority of the people

to have the government turn authoritarian

and so a leader might have to bow to pressure


second of all it's not necessarily in the interest of the neighbouring nations

which might decide for the people about the fate of the nation


but with more than 15o countries ,

ruled rather by strong presidents than weak collegial councils ,

there is always somewhere a president and his ministers and generals under pressure ,

learning more or less accidentally that can cheat

thanks to the executive presumption of innocence ( the respect and trust )

which enjoy as presidents !


may the people forgive them

( jaja )
