Sunday, March 11, 2012

a pigeon shits doesn-t shoot

... influenzia for influencers ... hm ? ...

a Pigeon shits . doesn-t shoot .
... you EU Hygienigxs .. down to Fool yourself ...
Ihre dummheitlichen Stockholm-Syndrome-haftigen Anschuldigungen
von rechts aussen konservativ noch kommend .
... ich habe etwas eben noch nicht begriffen ... ah bon ...
werden so dumm und illegal sein ...
wie ich ja schon auf der InvalidenVersicherung bin .
damit-fuer ! ... solcher Schmarren dann
... legal und trotzdem dumm sein zu sein ? ... ... TocToc ... Sein . Eben .
Ich bin ja nicht . Ich bin ja schon ausgeschlossen aus der FunGesellschaft im Monasterium called ... InvalidenVersicherung .
Inzwischen . Schon . Eben .
... Damit du Schmarren sein kannst 
.. fuer den Handel . Internationalen . Ja auch . Schweiz Landlocked Country being .
Nicht damit dein ... FutziSchwanzi auf Kohle sitzend und Rechte haben ...
.dann gratis kacken kann wie ein Hund ... ja auch nicht ueberall
noch . dann ? ...
. Tuen sie was fuer Loyalitaet gefragt !
Sie Liberalen Arschloecher von
Individualisten noch irgendwas ? ...
Sonst wird es Aggressive . Wie dein Glaube . Eurer . In Treue .
Semper Fidelis & Amen . Atheist und Katholik ...
Graben Sie doch ihr KriegsBeil einfach wieder in den Boden ... den Ihren 
a pigeon shits doesn't shoot .
... though it might aim - were not sure ...
one thing sure though ... the pigeon only shits ...
on spot ... corner ... you anyway seem to have 
... no civilatory concern for ... ! 
... or do you ? hm ?... you shortsight of no longtermn intelligence of no government 

... to pay taxes for ?
.to clean your shit . to kill your pigeons . to get rid of yours ?
habits ? ... viruses ? ... chronic costly disappearances ???
In memory of the children soldiers and innocent 
... who anyway had to die ... for your cheap plastic and leadership
as said ... why add... batteries ?
you FatAss of a small Dig-it ???
Have no gears ? ... ya- just a spool ?
... sigh sniff seufz ...
Wenn du Dubbel mal wuestest ...
was es
... braucht als FriedensProzessor ...
in einem Menschen ... aus Fleisch und Blut 
... und eben Knochen . Cheffe .
... und vieles Anderes 

Hat jetzt der Gestaemmige ... 
... oder der Geschwollene SchwanzDubbel ... ... Recht gekriegt ? ... fuer immer . Dann ? .
Tevenaz vs ... wie hiess er nochmals .
Dein MiamiBlondchen ?
...Semper Fidelis ( ch ) ...
... ( ... )...
If Gaza is an open Prison . 
You Tunisian .
then Geneva is an open Bordel . quoi ... 
amen ...
N-importe ce que vous ou toi vous voulez me reprocher .
Toi . T-as mentie a maman .
Toi ... ne me touche pas ...
Toi . T-as mentie a maman . Toi ... ne me touche pas ...
Toi . T-as mentie a maman . Toi ...
ne me touche pas ... 
N-importe ce que vous ou toi
vous voulez me reprocher .
CHF 3oo'ooo'ooo'ooo.- en defaveur dela Confederation Suisse 
Dixit la Banque Nationale des Suisses / Helvetes
to be resettled by 13-August-2524 after Jesus Christ 
... / the year of birth of your holy cash here ... you Sesterzia ...

.la petite Vapote ... la petite Vapote ... elle a besoin de sa ... de sa ... de sa ... la petite Vapote ... elle a besoin de sa ... ??? ... 
Have legalize the sale of weed .
Up with the gasoline prize at the pump station .
and be oppressed in your depressive WorkLife Balance .
Yours .
Who is rich gets bored .
The ... Veraechter seiner Selber
... Semper Fidelis ...


Keine Mutter kann ihrem Sohn einen Dank oder Moment der Aufmerksamkeit geben ... Darf ...
... wenn er mal Kokain konsumiert hat .
. auch wenn nur einmal .
. Und Jahrelang wenn nicht fuer immer .
. Du Luegner . Ihr Luegner .
Werdet das Band noch den ganzen Tag hoeren . Leiden . 
... Brechen bis Gebrechen ...
Keine Mutter kann ihrem Sohn
... einen Dank oder Moment der Aufmerksamkeit geben ...
... wenn er mal Kokain konsumiert hat .
.auch wenn nur einmal .
Und Jahrelang wenn nicht fuer immer .
Du Luegner . Ihr Luegner .
. Kannst noch im Gefaengnis hoeren ... das Band .
Dem Gefaengnis deiner Edelheit . Ja Eurer .
... Semper Fidelis ...


Lead from behind wasnt leading . You weakos . Once its over . Its over . Take responsibility . Leader .
Re: 1st of all . there are no Turks in Latin America . America . USA ... it is ... You Muesluem ... You Mannen have to ... give reasons ... as well . You know ... :...!!! nur die Russen . welche Sie ... IHREN ANSCHEIN ... vergiften werden noch . Sie ProUkrainer . jedoch doch ... zu dumm dafuer ... : 
.klar moegen Schweizer Soldatinnen ... gute Nuterriche ... as well : ... 
You were born in
or youre drained . from country to city over borders void of nothing but the health your mother gave you and the ... class of your father. ... as a ASEAN ... who will stay completely anti-Google . anyway ...


.A Lie is a Credit ... You Fearful .
Ich weiss ja auch nicht . was der Norweger den Weltfrieden verpasst .
wieder Tausend Jahre ... der Hass ...
... du Confuzius Buddhisten Andermatt Vatikan Idioty called ...
... : sisi ... :+))) ...
In between a player of a fair game who can not ? honk honk ? lose ... as Mister Djokovic ...
and an agent for good who thinks an operation can not fail .
.you woman doch nur ... no :
.why stay in power . decision making power . in anger .
you please-em-all ? ...or prison ? ... 
.or get hit in your balls by your ugly each day ?
fhorhevwer ...
If you want to be dealing Hashish or Cannabis .
Legally then : Be transparent . Club . Mission . Agent ... : declare Murders . Murder by negligence .
Own cocaine consumption .
Habits of the last seven years .
at least . : ... OR BE ARRESTED . DEALER .
YOU KNOW THAT ...Wir Befuerworter der Cannabis Legalisation
in der Schweiz . normalen . bitteren . enttaeuschten .

Eine Kamera ... welche nicht jede Ecke ausleuchtet ... war ja nicht fuer das da ... jede Ecke ausleuchten ... koennen ... Immer noch . Du Dubbel Selber . Haettest besser ... Damals schon ...

It doesnt help . You harassing idiots . If you hate me less . You should have never started to hate me . us ... We could move on ... Without you . Of course . You Issue to be exterminated . Still ... Semper Fidelis ( ch ) ...

Mit 3o Jahren ... wuerden sie Frauen der 3. Welt ... doch noch jemanden umbringen muessen ... um sich treu zu bleiben ... nicht ein Kind als Option zu behalten wollen ... doch noch ... : ... Blame Bush-s mother . Its incomprehensive . Somehow ... Aber Dali ... Du Google CEO Trottel ... Go Home ...

Ich ... Ich Sonne ich Regen Ich Wetter ... Ich Blume Baum oder Busch ... kann sie ja nur in die Depression ... draengen . Demnach . Die Depression ihrer Unschuld ...
Ich ... Ich Sonne ich Regen Ich Wetter ... Ich Blume Baum oder Busch ... 
kann sie ja nur in die Depression ... draengen . Demnach .!.
Die Depression ihrer Unschuld .
Sie Sturm und Drang Kracher
... und Lacher ...
Sie . Auch Alleinstehender .
Ich ... Ich Sonne ich Regen Ich Wetter ...
Ich Blume Baum oder Busch ...
kann sie ja nur in die Depression ... draengen .
 Demnach .
Die Depression ihrer Unschuld .
Gehen Sie !!!
nach Hause . TocToc ...
Escape Escape ...
Fallait pas la baiser si tu pouvais pas etre ... 
... moins quelle quandmeme et pour toujours 
... Sie Stricher von Amerikanern ... ja nur selber ... ?
... Ich ... Ich Sonne ich Regen
Ich Wetter ...
Ich Blume Baum oder Busch ... kann sie ja nur in die Depression ... 
draengen . Demnach . Die Depression ihrer
... Unschuld ...

 . TB .
. ...
by Xibre1982
... Semper Fidelis ( ch ) .
Montesquieu . Bourdieu . Newton . 
... still takes a Tastes arent discussed ... girls ... and boys 
... Tastes arent discussed ... girls ... and boys ... because .
a lie is a credit

My IP is my IP ...
... my modem is my modem ...
... my processor is my processor ...
still is . you cheap idioty 
... called a fix . a need . a demand . a kick ...
...surely illegal by any ecologic law if not environmental 
... surely when it comes to respect ...tout court 
you MonoTheistic West . ex Russia . . . and as said
... but including Latin America ... 
... all of it ... West Africa
... all of it
... Monotheist you : be called a liar ???... : submitted 
... to Abraham Accords ?
... Hence ?
.can take critic ? ... or be shot for imposing a lawyer too much
... once too much ... calling the King
... rather than the Queen ...

My IP is my IP ...
... my modem is my modem ...
... my processor is my processor ...
still is . you cheap idioty 
... called a fix . a need . a demand . a kick ...
...surely illegal by any ecologic law if not environmental 
... surely when it comes to respect ...tout court 
Dont waste anybody-s time ...
You wannabe mother too much already
as a woman since had turned so ?

A Lie is a Credit ... You Fearful .

Nobody stands above the law 
or nobody continues penetrating my lawn ?
and your Nobody ? Or who-s ? ... You Cesareses ...

VerbraucherPrinzip ... Traritraratralalala
Semper Fidelis
Sie sollten ja das Gemaelde . 
die Schoenheit . 
Ihren Koerper . 
den Essay ... !!!???!!! unter allem Leben ...
... Vektoren der Zeit
.sein lassen ! .SELBER!
... nach dem Essay ... sie Kuenstler ... : ...
und nicht wieder zurueckkommen .
.ihre Ex ewigs noch verhunzen ... als ob .!. ...
sie Psychos ... 
von Maennern ...
... ( ... ) ...

First question . Wer will denn schon US President werden
ausser ein Egomane mit einem SuperioritaetsKomplex ... amerikanischem ?
. Define . SuperioritaetsKomplex ? ... Define : ...
wer will denn schon ?
... ergo : ... was you ... 
Herr UN Blue Helmet Soldat ... wollte denn die von Ihnen richtig bezahlte und behandelte Sexworkerin
nie ein Kind bekommen in ihrem einen Leben ? ...
oder nur nie eins von Strichern wie Ihnen ? ...
Ist halt Rotlicht Dummfrage eins ... ueber welche kein Schweizer Beunzli
 ... drueberkommt ... in Time ...
tut mir Leid ... sie armen Europaeer .
... sind ja keine Sprache . Ethnie . Volk . Religion . Land . . . Geschweige denn Atommacht

T-avais qu-a tapper ... et je dis tapper ... le gay avant ta femme ...
avant que t-as du tapper ta nouvelle femme quandmeme ala fin ...
t-avais qu-a tapper le gay avant ...
pour savoir ce que tu vaux ... sur Terre
( Plus rien ensuite . Normal . Pas pretre t-es donc . Tu voulais dire ...
 ... de vrai ... Semper Fidelis ( ch ) ...
My IP is my IP
my modem is my modem
my processor is my processor
or no free speech
not even yours . Especially

Mirror Mirror wasnt too tough to take ?
... Suddenly . Alcoholix ? ... Toc toc ...

A Lie is a Credit ... You Fearful .
Suicide is murder . What you-re hiding . Officer ?

Famille Tonta Brava


As I learned in my Mother's tongue :
who complains , lives long .

And who makes drama ,
as well dies young ...

... as i might want to add
so without wit nor cash as of mine ...
you ephemera of leaders void of continued fear 
... of the Almighty above ... as should ...
or you Passport less Smiley ...
who has the guns ?
... has the first shot !... or not ?
because the Pigeon shits . doesn't shoot
... though it might aim . depends . why harass ... birds . first of all ? you fools ? ... ...;-)
Make yourself a coffee , why not a tea ,
and enjoy these writings for free .

Free for now and shall be for as long as I live ,
and am able alone , or with you , to stand up for it .

Mainly my realist cynicism about current geopolitics ,
infused with wishful satire of how to make the most out of it .


As usual , the devil lies in the detail ,
this book has been worked for over a decade .

No drama , as you could say indeed ,
only words , thoughts and opinion here .

My personal ideas why to make this globe a better place to live ,
inspired by my own life as otherwise average Swiss .


Written for the soldiers amongst the herb-smokers
or the herb-smokers amongst the soldiers
still able to trip of a world somehow at peace .

Created as well for the atheists' amongst you
willing to challenge their political vision
and infuse them with a fresh and due breeze 


 Approved for the believers solid in their thought ,
curious about a maybe godless but not faithless
distinct opinion of our current leaders' mess .

Because when violence leads to more violence ,
then communication is everything :
may I be understood for not having said less 


From the fight for gender equality amongst clerics
to the introduction of the legalization of cannabis ;
there is enough reasons for resistance and hence writings .

Inline with the vision of 'one planet , one life',
I thought there to be something else I could give a strive .

A fight nobody would think of , at least not for a while ,
surely not in this scope nor with this argumentation line .
... but maybe with this set of questions .

to be continued

... ( societies collapse . States get stolen from ... ) ...

Who cares , Gals !!!!

Think Global . Act Local .
Always takes two for a fight ... including in your head .
You ... ( i don't speak nor write arab insults that well ..

Since it was elections . Votes .
Who made part of Ukraine Russian territory .
Only elections . Votes . Will get them back . .
Hence never ? You Dushbags full of yourselves .?? 

Infrastructure projects consider what was ...
... for -then when- ... to be continued by the Offspring ... as Europe does

Ist denn jetzt ihr London Aufschwung in Afghanistan oder Iraq verboellert worden bis 2oo6-o8 ? ... Sie Amerikaner bis Republikaner ? ... We do not care . Or do we ? ... toc toc ... who is here ? .


... a soul breathes ...
Suicide is murder . you coward of Thought 


Neptune Talk

Where does the magic of the Helvetic power trading come from ?
How can a democratic political arena turn into a hopeless King's court ?
And ... was that just somehow twice the same question ?


Questions where nobody really knows the answers for
respectively we'll never agree .
Too few times has it been tried on this globe ,
collegial leadership
with its seven equal councilors
or direct democracy
with its popular referenda and initiatives ,
the two Swiss political specialties .
Directorial executives , the more scientific term for collegial councils ,
have failed in most of the places in the past ,
to not say everywhere except in Switzerland
and in some form in Bosnia-Herzegovina
and probably the United Arab Emirates ,
which is accidentally making the point of those who want to keep the illusion
of the Helvètes somehow a special people being ,
or why this form of government works in our realm .
Myself a Swiss ,
who doesn't trust a credential of somebody special being ,
I wondered why these other collegial councils failed ,
be it in the USA, France, Uruguay and others .
Because I don't believe the division of presidential powers
to be a possible reason for a fragmentation of society
leading necessarily to civil war or tyranny ,
respectively that a presidential council
would be unable to unite a country .
A wrong or right hunch ,
that the directorial executive style as the Swiss know it ,
could indeed resolve one or the other obstacle
in the rebels quests for an Arab Summer
and other revolutionary or evolutionary movements in this world
fighting corruption , destruction of the environment and organized crime .
More of these multipolar nations like Switzerland ,
not less ,
could allow us to exactly be able to live peacefully
as one humanity in a multilateral world
rather than fall victim to a fatalist ignition of chains of loyalties again .


Thoughts , opinion , ideas : a collection of essays
for a rare ride through the meanders of our common conscious .
Written from my own experience and perspective
as former helvetic grenadier , but as well rusty violinist , failed student ,
talented banker , tourist by nature , essayist by passion .


Dear Surfer , Dear Surferesse ,
happy inhabitant of our small planet Earth :
Make yourself a coffee , why not a chaï latte
and enjoy my writings at gusto .
Which is to say , take it on your light mind ,
and come back regularly sending a sign .
Songs it is or could be ,
but not known to rime , am I , me .
My humble thanks for your attention ,
you are and will always be welcomed .

Peace ✌️☮️🤙
Semper Fidelis
( 2o12 - 2o22 )


- Index -


- made in Switzerland -
produced in the United States of Amerika
... ( ... ) ...
... ...
by BAUMBERGER Tobias Martin . born 14-Dec-1982
also e-known as Philosopher Xibre1982

-A- The Last Kings

-1- A Forgotten Idea the point

-2- Power Vacuum democratization

-3- Agonized Kings and terrifying rebels

-4- Freedom vs Stability perceive , think , react

-5- Helvetic Monopoly quantitative aggravation

-6- American Federal Council depressing uncle sam

-7- British Royal Council contra sunt servanda

-8- Self-Determination ... walls to climb

-9- Tyranny of the Majority  helvetia

-1o- Turf Battles once upon a time


-B- Civil War

-11- The Nothing perfect universe

-12- Jolts and Bolts hold the fire

-13- Federal Counsel my interpretation 

-14- Out of the Blue a new world order 

-15- Self-Explanatory geography of power

-16- Meritocracy ... walls to climb 

-17- White Flag psychotic


- Intermezzo Uno -

-18- Yemeni Federal Council version 1

-19- Lebanese Collegial Council  version 2

-2o- Afghan Federal Council  version 3


-C- Multipolar

-21- Causa Belli  strong vs weak

-22- Direct Democracy ? it's an unknown 

-23- The Presidential Seven a winning team

-24- Settlement preventing secession

-25- Conservative Helvètes idiots !

-26- The Circle choose your side

-27- Politikverdrossenheit kill the populist

-29- ¡ Nunca Te Rindas ! peruvian referenda

-3o- Libya national council

-31- Rule in Chaos bipolar vs multipolar

-32- Sliding into Peace khalas !

-33- Crocodile Talk a delirium

-35- Shameless Rebels no wall to climb


-D- Free Electron

-36- One Planet, One Life baseline

-37- Peace Until the End of Earth seems possible

-39- Science Fiction escape this solar system 

-4o- A Joke by the Universe happy depressive

-41- Void of Time don't test Allãh

-42- A Gift by this Universe choose well your religion

-43- Absolutist Humiliation shame , humiliation , disgrace

-44- Suicide not for honor, not for glory

-45- Atheists new


- Intermezzo Due -

-46- Work Asylum  tackling migration

-47- Trickle-Out Economics 3.o at the end of the 21st century

-48- False Positive ( Legalize it ) from bitter beginnings and sweet ends

-5o- Leftish Weed fetch my vote


-E- Rebellogics

-51- Corruption Makes Sense for some

-52- Nations of Will pondering : no way back

-53- Confederation mandatory military service

-54- Strong Generals fight corruption

-55- Nations of Will - v.2 pondering : will for diversity

-56- Technocrats peace in middle-earth

-57- State of War peace from within

-58- War the Dictators niet

-59- Rotten Status Quo no hope

-6o- Philosophy - v.1 promoting patiently

-61- Philosophy - v.2 disassociation ... detachment ... deferrement ... 

-62- Tyranny of Peace stomp worse beginnings

-63- Game of Perception helvetic magics

-64- Democratic and Republican vector for peace

-65- Monopolar vs Multipolar conclusion


-F- Java Wars

-66- My Game of Perception borders are borders

-67- The Perfect Universe forward backward

-68- Wind on the Sea - part1 bull's eye

-69- Wind on the Sea - part2 the invisible hand

-70- Wind on the Sea - part3 compass of the hearts

-71- Multipolar Neoliberalism peace between civilizations

-72- Demo-Crazy nothing stable here in Switzerland

-73- Bold Swiss everything stable in Switzerland

-74- Cybersurveillance Paradox title is everything

-75- From River to Sea a virus of an idea



Read more ( re-directed )

( Wikipedia , français )

( Wikipedia , français )

( The Economist , June 2o19 )

( Le Temps , July 2o2o , paying )



First part of this collection of essays e-published
end of January to end of March 2o12 .
A lot of essays added and wording improved since .
Writings can be consumed stoned or slightly stoned as well .

Or how pretentious from me
to think I could be intelligent
despite rolling a marvelous joint .
Finished on another Tuesday 18th October at 11h54 ,
in the year Twenty-Twenty-Two .
Last update , Today , ... ( when was already tomorrow )
Approved again as a valid publication by my humble self on the balcony ,
some natural artificial multivitamines ,
lots of natural peruvian mashed bio coffee ,
and the worst of the best of the hashish's they produce
in and around of the so-named Geneva ,
not far from the Tobacco producing Jurassic cowboys ,  
supposedly .


Made in Switzerland . Produced in the USA .
For contact or queries ,
please find a mail on
my blogger profile ( iregularly but regularly emptied ...


Lost in Translation ( little biography )
Motivation ( background )
Wasteline ( artistic disclaimer )
Naive Trust ( synopsis )


Photographs are from my private library ,
most from Switzerland , one or the other neighboring exception .
Painted maps from Spring 2o13 . Source : Google Maps .
Publication somewhat sponsored by 'Alphabet Inc'
in the form of mostly well-programmed codes
running on free servers , I guess ,
sharing is caring . ¡ Gracias !
Thanks as well to ...
... LeTemps and TheEconomist .
... CNBC and AlJazeera .
... the Daily Show with Jon Stewart .
... and .
... all the others , I might have never heard of , but who surely
carry their fair share in the publication of this collection of essays .


And don't mind to follow the link old school on the left below
to share the collection as a classic publication .


We aim for a multicultural and multilateral or multipolar world
exactly because we know that power corrupts .


Tram13 empire minds carry bad luck ... as precautionary stumpsdom
( not like ... they ... have an E-go , that can be felled ... )


which is to say
... do not bother the host , , please :
reactive as electronics can be ...

... merxi !





... i have not amnesia , when i conclude an Over the Counter contract
Gut und Schlecht ist Wissenschaft ... Falsch und Korrekt sind Liebe oder Hass


Koennen wir ja nichts dafuer ... dass ihr zuspaet fertig wart
... und noch extra dazu ...


no social drama . no tragedy . no comedy . but peace . and ? ... no drama ... ??? no elections ? ... :-)


Wo ist nur -ihr HeuchlerHerz- hangen geblieben . Ihren taeglichen Smalltalk . Stehen zu muessen . Auch mit dem Libanesischen maronitischen Globetrotter Fadi daneben ?... Please ...

Wenn das Woertchen -Wenn- nicht waer ... waer ich schon laengstens Millionär . Sagte Martha Baumberger-Benz ... Meine Mutter ...mahnend . Mir ... Immer ...

Mouettendreher ... Gibt es das noch . Sie Mauerverzehrer ?
( ... und wenn frou oder man achtzig wird
... kann man oder frouw auch mal zehn saure Jahre haben . darin .
Sieht frouw dann auch . Toll .
... )
Synonyme politiquement correcte pour un Suisse Allemand ?
Quelqu'un ?

Mir gehen doch alle TECHNIK-FREAKS AUF DIE EIER ? ... EBEN ... Nicht Techno Freaks ... Du korrupter Egomane von Singapore Dollar Doctor ja nur ... BIN JA INZWISCHEN 43 ... DU LOOSER . SEMPER FIDELIS ( CH ) ...

Wer geht denn schon hypothetisieren was ich weiss ? ... auf Geld oder Knopf komm raus ? ... Bis Montag . Du Arbeiter ja nur ...

You had been known as generous amongst yours ... Who ? ... mh . and we said we stop that ? ... mh ? ... Who ? ... tough luck . cest la vie . 